class & object
su: class 跟伴生对象能访问彼此的私有成员
A class and its companion object can access each other’s private members
su: 单例对象可以继承一个超类同时混合traits的特性
singleton objects extend a superclass and can mix in traits
su: 单例对象无法实例化参数
One difference between classes and singleton objects is that singleton objects cannot take parameters, whereas classes can. Because you can’t instantiate a singleton object with the new keyword, you have no way to pass parameters to it. Each singleton object is implemented as an instance of a synthetic class referenced from a static variable, so they have the same initialization semantics as Java statics.
su: 没有伴生类的独立对象
A singleton object that does not share the same name with a companion class is called a standalone object
su: 默认的隐式导入java.lang 和 scala, 这就是为啥一些方法如print和assert可以直接使用
Scala implicitly imports members of packages java.lang and scala, as well as the members of a singleton object named Predef, into every Scala source file. Predef, which resides in package scala, contains many useful methods. For example, when you say println in a Scala source file, you’re actually invoking println on Proofed. (Predef.println turns around and invokes Console.println, which does the real work.) When you say assert, you’re invoking Predef.assert.
su: 文件命名
in Scala, you can name .scala files anything you want, no matter what Scala classes or code you put in them. In general in the case of non-scripts
Basic Types and Operations
su: 小写类型的会在后面的版本中废弃,所以最好使用大写的类型
In honor of this community-driven choice, the lower case variants may be deprecated or even removed in a future version of Scala, so you would be wise indeed to go with the community flow and say Int, not int, in your Scala code
2def box(x : scala.Int) : java.lang.Integer = { /* compiled code */ }
def unbox(x : java.lang.Object) : scala.Int = { /* compiled code */ }su: String的换行原始字符串
4println("""Welcome to Ultamix 3000.
Type "HELP" for help.""") // 这个方法会把type前面的空格包含进入
println("""|Welcome to Ultamix 3000.
|Type "HELP" for help.""".stripMargin) // 每行前面加上管道符|,调用stripMargin方法可以移除空格su: Symbol literals(Symbol 字面量对象)
symbols are interned. If you write the same symbol literal twice, both expressions will refer to the exact same Symbol object
interned拘禁的这个特性跟java的String字面量池是等同的,String类内部维护一个字符串池(strings pool),当调用String的intern()方法时,如果字符串池中已经存在该字符串,则直接返回池中字符串引用,如果不存在,则将该字符串添加到池中,并返回该字符串对象的引用。执行过intern()方法的字符串,就说这个字符串被拘禁了(interned)。默认情况下,代码中的字符串字面量和字符串常量值都是被拘禁的;
Symbol类型的好处在于节省内存,同时快速比较,Map<Symbol, Data>根据一个Symbol对象,可以快速查询相应的Data, 而Map<String, Data>的查询效率则低很多,Java的Map<String, Data>也可以实现这个的功能,但需要显式地调用intern()方法。1
2scala> val s = 'aSymbol
s: Symbol = 'aSymbolsu:Operators are methods
5scala> val sum = 1 + 2 // Scala invokes (1).+(2)
sum: Int = 3
scala> val longSum = 1 + 2L // Scala invokes (1).+(2L)
longSum: Long = 3
1 | class ChecksumAccumulator{ |
1 | var filename="default.txt" |
1 | for (a <- 1 to 3) { |
1 | val firstArg = if (args.length >0 ) args(0) else "" |
1 | import scala.util.control.Breaks._ |
1 | // 嵌套函数例子 |
1 | def add(x: Int, y: Int) : Int = { |
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().config(itemRDD.sparkContext.getConf).getOrCreate()